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  • Writer's pictureRachel Bronson

Magazine Design Reflection

Creative Process:

Rating- 3

Before starting the magazine design process, I found images and colors that represented the art period I was using and put them into a moodboard before beginning the design process. I also looked online for published minimalist magazines for further inspiration. Finally, I asked my peers for feedback on my sketches before beginning the design.

Design Inspiration:

Rating- 3

I researched many minimalist artists, but I ultimately chose Donald Judd for the magazine. I wrote about his contributions to the minimalist art movement and how his art reflected the minimalist style. Finally, I included other art, specifically photography, that reflects the minimalist movement style.

Technical Proficiency:

Rating- 3

As I was creating the design, I kept copyright laws in mind for citing purposes. As well, I tried to make the design look appealing and make my words readable by using appropriate fonts and font sizes. Lastly, I learned about the use of white space and the importance of continuity in a magazine design.

*Use of white space*

Career Readiness:

Rating- 3

Throughout the duration of the class, I've been to class on time, submitted all of my assignments, participated in class discussions, and managed my time. During the magazine project, I helped my peers with their designs, submitted the final draft on time, and engaged in class conversations regarding the magazine project.


Rating- 3

I carefully selected the images I used to make sure they were free to use. I also made sure to give credit to the artist and include the websites I used for my research. Lastly, I was very careful with the copyright and trademark laws to ensure that I cited all sources I used .

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